Tuesday, September 05, 2006

It's them britches!

There has already been a ton written on the Volunteers, and how they are once again playing football on Rocky Top. It looked like the Vols of old. Other Volunteer teams from my time spring to mind - '67, '69, '89, '90, '97, '98, and of course one of my favorite Vol teams - 1985. The one common trait of all these great Vol teams? The pants. Saturday the Vols were wearing the old school britches with the two thin orange stripes going down the side. Gone were the wide stripe or no stripe pants from recent years past that helped the Vols play football like Sampson after a haircut. The Vols have given up on attempting fashion statements and have decided again to focus on football. Obviously, the greatest factor in Tennessee's return to flying around the ball, tackling with a HOST of Volunteers, and otherwise looking like the great Tennessee teams of old - It's them britches!

Technorati Tags: [Tennessee Volunteers]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sampson: As in Ralph the deadbeat dad.

Simpson, As in Homer, the 'all amurican' dad.

Samson; the biblical character to whom I believe you inteded to allude