Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Happiness X 3

Still trying to meet Mike's happiness edict - School is starting!! I always liked the beginning of school, especially high school. Every possiblity was still available. I still had a chance to get an A in every class.

This year my hoodlums are venturing to three different schools - Clara Grace at West Hills Elementry, Quent at Bearden High School, and Hannah will be the fifth generation to challenge the Carson Newman College administration's sanity. Actually, I think she may be the first Willson in three generations not to challenge their sanity.

None the less, each new start brings it's own special joy. We get to find out who Clara Grace's teacher will be, and see her joy at new school supplies, and new class mates. Quent makes the transition this year from having to go to class to getting to go to the classes he loves like photography. Hannah's start brings the joy of independence and a chance to finally make a life as she wishes it to be. But Hannah's new start actually brings with it a bit of trepidation, if not on her part, at least mine. Because Hannah's will require the most of me, since Hannah's requires me to let go. "Let go and let God." - I hate it when my children actually make me practice what I preach.

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