Thursday, June 28, 2007

Fight TCS!

We recently found out that my nephew Hunter has been struck down with TCS - Terminal Cute Syndrome. While all children suffer from milder forms of the syndrome, they normally out grow their symptoms. In the more severe cases, permanant and painful damage can occur leading to it's most horrific form, DAMED, or Donnie and Marie Entertainment Disorder.

Hunter first started displaying symptoms at about age two. He couldn't say his own name and called himself "Hun Toe". Too cute. Like most TCS suffers, he is unaware of his cute actions, as evidenced by the above picture of his falling asleep on the family hound. We first became concerned that Hunter might have the more frightening form of TCS when after hearing a really good fart from uncle Frank, Hunter replied "That's common!". No scarier words have ever been uttered by a four year old boy.

His dad is doing all he can to combat the disease. He's teaching him the joy of "pull my finger" jokes, the convenience of not bathing, and the love of football. However, his mother (my sister Laura) is an enabler. As a little girl we worried that Laura might suffer from TCS. She referred to cows as "M&M's" and M&M candy as "TeePee TeePee's". As she got older her symptoms faded, but apparently she went on to be a carrier. Now she perpetuates the disease by sending out emails of his latest cute escapade, making sure his hair is always properly combed, and pointing out his cuteness whenever she can. She's all but dooming the boy to be a little bit rock & roll!


Southern Girl said...

Awww, bassets do make really good pillows!

I, too, have a nephew suffering from TCS, but we're not about to cure him. ;)

Lane said...

Even the horrors of TCS are better than acting like a double L Willson, so we'll just love him the way he is.