Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Playing Games with Massacre

Yesterday's tragedy at Virginia Tech is still fresh on the hearts and minds of us all. With a daughter who is a college freshman, this horror sent an especially unpleasant chill down my spine. Sadly, these events seem to bring from the woodwork people who are willing to use death for political gain. Almost before the echos of the last gunshot faded away, various lobbyists, politicians, political action group lunatics begin posturing to leverage the death of these innocent people for their own purpose.

Gun control, media violence, and immigration are all on the table. Political cockroaches of all stripes will attempt to use these unfortunate dead as martyrs for their cause. While these issues are all important and should be given thoughtful debate and review, I hope that we can maintain respect for those whose lives were lost and their families, and squash all those who seek to play games with massacre.

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