Wednesday, October 11, 2006

The Other Person

Two people died today as a small plane crashed into a building in New York City. One, Cory Lidle, was a pitcher for the New York Yankees. His picture has been on every newscast this side of the Cartoon Network. The other person has been given no other identity than the other person, or more often than not as an instructor. We don't know if the person was a man or a woman, mother or father, daughter or son. Yet, we know all about Mr. Lidle, his six year old son, and the family he has left behind. We've even been reminded of Thurman Munson and all the other players that have lost their lives in plane accidents. I'm sure the "other person's" family is also filled with grief. To bad Other Person's life is not as valuable to those that report the news as Mr. Lidle's. I'm sure many are remembering Mr. Lidle's family in their prayers tonight, but I will be remembering Other Person's.

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