Friday, August 17, 2007

Our Worst Fears Realized

Clara Grace turned 10 Wednesday, and her mother got her a dog for the occasion. This is especially nice since her mom is not even on the same hemisphere with dog lovers. So today was the big day when the new dog arrived. All we knew was that it was a 1 year old tea cup poodle. Now, for years I have indoctrinated the children in naming dogs. My ideal was to have the most harmless, insignificant animal ever placed on the planet by the Lord, and to name it Doom. (Childish I know, but funny none the less.)

So Quent and I have spent the last few days trying to talk Clara Grace a cool name for the animal. Here are a few of our favorites:
Brutus, Maximus (Max for short), and Wolfgang among others. Our favorite name, Quent and I, was to call the dog Frank after Clara Grace's uncle Frank. It was sort of a Pirates of the Caribbean "we named the monkey Jack" kind of thing. We even offered $20 bucks a piece, but she turned down the 40 francs in order to name the dog herself.

Finally, the big moment arrived, Clara Grace brought the dog to my house and introduced him as Pierre. That's right, Pierre - a name that makes even a French man snicker. Oh well, Clara Grace loves him, so we do too. We are happy to welcome (I can't believe I'm saying this) Pierre to the family.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Tivo Worthy Television

I got a Tivo a few months ago, and now I'm looking forward to using it to keep up with the new fall shows. The question I have as a Tivo rookie, is what are the fall shows that folks are thinking are Tivo worthy? Of course UT and Titan's football games goes without saying, and I'm also a big fan of The Bronx is Burning and Mad Men. Any other suggestions?

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Another Step Closer

One step closer to Tennessee's 2007 football season is the annual purchasing of the Tennessee media guide. I'm the proud owner of every media guide since 1983.

Gracie Woman Decade

Clara Grace turned 10 today! She loves to laugh and play with Petey. I'm teaching her to be a Beatles expert. Happy birthday Gracie Woman!!

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Welcome Home Charlotte!

Katie and Jon have welcomed home their new addition, Charlotte. Congratulations!

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Happy Birthday! Rest In Peace

A friend had a birthday today, but it was not the usual celebration. While there were flowers, there were no balloons , candles, or cake. There was music and an impressive crowd, but the birthday girl did not smile once, and did not even get to make a wish. Though there was a little laughter, remembering old times, there were far more tears, and everyone wished that the event was not happening at all. The room was filled with family and friends who wished to be anywhere, but where they were tonight. Worst of all her mother and father did not get to celebrate their daughter's 21st birthday, because instead on that happy day they had to attend her funeral.


Thursday, July 26, 2007

The Walk

Hanson's new cd The Walk came out this week. That's right, Hanson. I took Hannah and a few of her girlfriends to see them at the Ryman Auditorium, and was blown away. I've really only heard one song, Great Divide, which I really like. Hannah's going to let me listen to the rest of the CD tomorrow. Here are some reviews. Indielondon, The Leak Source, Rolling Stone.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Too Sad to be funny

Though there are hundreds of bad jokes bouncing around my head, I just don't have the heart. If nothing else she seemed very strong and resilient.